
Showing posts from February, 2021


You need to make a fixed time table for your studies and follow it strictly.Devote more time towards the self study and focus on the time table you have set for yourself at any cost. Nothing can be achieved without a proper planning and you have to do a planned studies.Select a book from which you can read the chapter in detail. 1)Best book to read is NCERT TEXT BOOK ,read it line to line and highlight the important points when you are reading it. 2)Attempt all the NCERT Exercise at the end of the chapter and attempt every NCERT Example. 3)Learn your notes that are provided to you. 4)For NUMERICALS first focus on NCERT and then to any other book that you are having. 5)Do written practice for the Derivations and the Numerical's. 6)Practice previous five to ten years board questions.


PHYSICAL WORLD: Physics,Scientific attitude,Scientific method,Unification,Reductionism and theory of Unification. UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS: Dimensions of important physical quantities,to find the dimensions of unknown constants & to derive a formula on the basis of dimensional analysis. MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE : All the four equations of motion,relative velocity  (Derivation) MOTION IN A PLANE: Relation b/w linear speed and angular speed,centripetal acceleration,unit vector, null vector and negative vector ,projectile motion,triangle and paralleogram law of vector addition,subtraction of vectors,Numerical's on which direction to hold the umberella. LAWS OF MOTION: Friction and its type,Numerical's on concept of friction,free body diagram and connected motion,tension force,laws of limiting friction , angle of contact and angle of repose, acceleration of a body sliding down the inclined plane,banking of roads. WORK,ENERGY AND POWER: Work energy theorem, types of c



What is VERNIER CALLIPERS ? How to use it?

VERNIER CALLIPERS: This instrument is used to measure accurately up to 0.1mm. It was designed by French Mathematician Pierre Vernier and after his name it is named Vernier Callipers. It works on the principle of using alignment of line segments displaced by a small amount to make fine measurements. In Vernier Callipers the jaws open to a maximum of 150mm to 2000mm. It can commonly measures upto 6 inches. It can be used for three types of measurements outside distance, inside distance and depth. CONSTRUCTION: The main parts of Vernier Callipers are: 1)Main Scale 2)Vernier Scale 3)Jaws: Outside jaw are used to take external measures of an object. Inside jaw are used to take internal measures of objects. 4)Strip(Depth probe): It is used to measure the depth of objects. How to find the ZERO ERROR of Vernier Callipers? If the zero of main scale coincides with zero of Vernier Scale when the jaws are brought in contact with each other,then there is no zero


Free-body diagrams are diagrams that are used to show the relative magnitude and direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation. A diagram which shows a part of a system separately, indicating all the external forces acting on it ,is called as a free body diagram. These diagrams will be used throughout our study of physics. A free body diagram is a special example of the vector diagrams. In case of a free body diagram , a body is said to be "free" when it is singled out from other bodies for the purpose of dynamic or static study or analysis.


NUCLEUS(ATOMIC): A  nucleus is composed of elementary particles protons and neutrons.An atom consist of central nucleus,containing entire positive charge and almost entire mass.The PROTON was discovered by RUTHERFORD by bombardment of Alpha particles on Nitrogen. And the NEUTRON was discovered by J.CHADWICK by bombardment of Alpha particles on Beryllium. PROTON: It is a positively charged fundamental particle having rest mass 1.672×10-²⁷kg and having charge 1.6×10-¹⁹C. NEUTRON:  A neutron is a neutral particle or charge less particle having rest mass of 1.674×10-²⁷Kg. NUCLEONS: The particles which are present with in the nucleus (PROTONS & NEUTRONS) are collectively known as NUCLEONS. A=ATOMIC MASS NUMBER Atomic mass number is denoted by (A). It is the total number of protons and neutrons present in a nucleus. A=no of protons + no of neutrons It is written as superscript(on the top) denoting the atomic mass number of a particular element. Z=ATOMI


SCREW GAUGE A screw gauge is a measuring instrument used for measuring very small distances of the order of 1/100th part of a mm.It was first invented  by William Gascoigne (England) in the 17th Century. It is used for measuring diameter of circular objects . Example:     1)thickness of a needle     2)thickness of a wire PRINCIPLE: It works on the principle of a Screw.A Screw moves forward or backward linearly when its head is rotated forward or backward. PITCH: It is defined as the horizontal distance moved forward by the screw when it's head is given a complete rotation.The distance moved by the screw for every complete rotation is constant.The constant distance moved by the screw for one complete rotation of head is called pitch of the screw. Pitch=Distance moved by the screw/No of complete rotations The pitch of the screw gauge is usually 1mm or 0.5mm CONSTRUCTION: A Screw gauge consist of the following main parts: 1)Main Scale 2)Circular Sca