
Showing posts from February, 2022

Important Topics for Term -2 Physics Exam

Ch. 8  (3 marks) Sketch of EM wave. Equations for electric and magnetic vectors. Properties and uses of EM waves. Transverse nature of em-waves. Learn table from the NCERT Book.  Ch. 9  ( 7 marks) Relations for refraction along a single refracting surface.  Lens maker’s formula. Combined focal length of the two thin lens in contact.  Prism formula. Condition for minimum deviation. Critical angle and TIR. Applications of TIR. Astronomical telescope, compound microscope. Reflecting type telescope and its advantages. Relation between real depth and apparent depth. Power of a lens and its expression with SI unit. Ch. 10 ( 6 marks) Huygen’s theory.  Wavefront and its types. Proof of snell’s law. Condition for constructive and destructive interference for YDSE. Expression for resultant intensity and resultant amplitude for YDSE. single slit experiment. Reflection on the basis of Huygens theory. Coherent sources and conditions for obtaining coherent sources. Ch. 11 Einstein photo-electric equ