Term -1( Class 11th Physics)



Time-90 Minutes                                             Max. Marks-35

General Instructions:

  • The Question paper contains three sections. 

  • Section A has 17 questions. Attempt any 15 questions.

  • Section B has 17 questions. Attempt any 15 questions. 

  • Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.

  • All questions carry equal marks.

  • There is no negative marking.


This section consists of 17 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 15 questions.In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, only first 15 will be considered for evaluation.

Q1 A particle moves along the X-axis from x=0 to x=5 under the influence of a force given by F=7-2x+3x². Find the work done in the process.





Q2 If the kinetic energy of a body increases by 300%,by what % will the linear momentum of the body increase-





Q3 Planetary motion in the solar system obeys-

a)conservation of kinetic energy

b)conservation of linear momentum

c)conservation of angular momentum

d)none of the above

Q4 Moment of inertia depends upon -

a)axis of rotation


c)angular speed

d)angular momentum

Q5 If the earth were to suddenly contract to half of its present radius without external torque,what will be the new duration of day?

a) 12 hours

b) 48 hours

c) 6 hours

d) no effect

Q6 The potential energy of a spring when stretched through a distance x is 10J.What is the amount of work done on the spring to stretch it through an additional distance x ?

a) zero

b) 10J

c) 20J

d) 30J

Q7 Which fundamental force is the strongest in nature-

a) electrostatic force

b) gravitational force

c) strong nuclear force

d) weak nuclear force

Q8 Parsec is the unit of-

a) time

b) distance

c) frequency

d) angular momentum

Q9.A physical quantity X is given by X=a²b³/c√d.If % error of measurement in a,b,c and d are 2%,1%,3% and 4% respectively,then the percentage error in X is-

A) 10%

b) 11%

c) 12%

d) 13%

Q10 Which of the following is the dimensionless physical quantity-

a) relative density

b) angle

c) strain

d) All of the above 

For question numbers 11, 12, 13,14 and 15 two statements are given-one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:

(a)    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b)    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

(c)    A is true but R is false.

(d)    A is false and R is also false.

11)  Assertion (A):It is difficult to move a cycle along the road with its brakes on.

Reason (R): Sliding friction is greater than rolling friction.  

12)  Assertion (A):On a banked curved track ,vertical component of normal reaction  provides the necessary  centripetal force.

Reason (R) : Centripetal force is not always required for turning.

13)  Assertion (A) : In case of pure rolling ,the force of friction becomes zero.

Reason (R) : The speed at the point of contact is zero.

14)  Assertion (A) : If the ice on the polar caps of earth melts ,then the duration of day will increase .

Reason (R): Moment of inertia of the earth increases ,as ice on polar caps melts.

15)  Assertion (A) : A horse has to pull a cart harder during the first few steps of the motion .

Reason (R): The first few steps are always difficult.

16.A body moving along a straight line travels one third of the total distance with a speed of 3m/s.The remaining distance is covered with a speed of 4m/s for half of the time and 5m/s for the other half of the time.The average speed during the motion is-

a)4m/s                b)6m/s

c)3.8m/s                d)2.4m/s

17)Identify the pairs whose dimensions are equal-

a)torque and work

b)stress and energy

c)force and stress

d)force and work


This section consists of 17 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 15 questions.In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, only first 15 will be considered for evaluation

18)If L=2.331cm,B=2.1cm,then L+B=?





19)If the error in radius is 3%,what is error in volume of sphere?





20)A bus is moving with a speed of 10m/s on a straight road.A scooterist wishes to overtake the bus in 100s.If the bus is at a distance of 1km from the scooterist,with what speed should the scooterist chase the bus -





21)A train of 150m length is going towards north direction at a speed of 10m/s.A parrot flies at the speed of 5m/s towards south direction parallel to the railways track.Time taken by the parrot to cross the train is-

a)12s                b)8s

c)15s                d)10s

22)Analogue of mass in rotational motion is-

a)moment of inertia

b)angular momentum


d)none of the above

23)A disc is rolling on the inclined plane.What is the ratio of its rotational KE to the total KE?





24)Physical independence of force is a consequence of-

a)third law of motion

b)second law of motion

c)first law of motion

d)all of these laws

25) A bullet is fired from a rifle.If the rifle recoils freely,then the kinetic energy of the rifle is-

a)less than the bullet

b)more than the bullet

c)same as of bullet

d)equal or less than the bullet

26)The position x of a particle varies with time t as x=at²-bt³.The acceleration will be zero at time t equal to

a)a/3b                    b)zero

c)2a/3b                    d)a/b

27)A cricket ball is hit at 45⁰ to the horizontal with a kinetic energy E.The kinetic energy at the highest point is-

a)0                        b)E/2                           

c)E/3                        d)E

28) A car moves a distance of 200m.It covers the first half of the distance at speed 40km/h and the second half of distance at speed v.The average speed is 48km/h.The value of v is-

a)56km/h                    b)60km/h

c)50km/h                    d)48km/h

29)Moment of force is the other name of-

a)work                    b)couple force

c)torque                    d)power

30)Slope of v-t graph gives-





31)Motion of a particle is given by equation s=(3t³+7t²+14t+8)m.The value of acceleration of the particle at t=1s is-





32)If normal reaction force is doubled,the coefficient of friction is-




d)not changed

33)A diver in a swimming pool bends his head before diving.It

a)increases his linear velocity

b)decreases his angular velocity

c)increases his moment of inertia

d)decrease his moment of inertia

34)If a person standing on a rotating disc stretches out his hands,the angular speed will-



c)remain same

d)none of these


This section contains of 6 multiple choice questions with an overall choice to attempt any 5.In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted,only first 5 will be considered for evaluation.


A collision is said to occour  between two bodies ,either if they physically collide against each other or if the path of one is affected by the force exerted by the other.For a collision to take place ,actual physical contact is not necessary.

The collision between particles are of following types:

1)Elastic collision

2)Inelastic collision

3)Perfectly elastic collision

4)Superelastic collision

5)Head-on Collision

35)In elastic collision:

(a) total energy is conserved 

(b) momentum is conserved

(c) kinetic energy is conserved

(d) All of the above

36)For elastic collision coefficient of restitution is:

(a) e=0

(b) e>1

(c) e<1

(d) e=1

37)The cofficient of resilience for Superelastic collision is:

(a) e=1

(b) e=0

(c) e<1

(d) e>1

38)In case of inelastic collision:

(a) all the forces involved are conservative

(b) all the forces involved are non- conservative

(c)Some or all of the forces involved are non-conservative

(d) None of the above

   39)Throwing mud on a wall is an example of-

a) elastic collision

b) inelastic collision

c) perfectly inelastic collision

d) super elastic collision

     40)Two bodies of mass m and 4m have equal kinetic energy.What is the ratio of their momentum?

a) 1:4

b) 1:2

c) 1:1

d) 2:1



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